Steps to Take If Your Tooth Falls Out

Image showing the option of milk rinse for falling tooth in Worcester

When a tooth falls out it is alarming, but it doesn’t necessarily result in a permanent gap in your smile. Tooth reimplantation is possible—provided the tooth is preserved properly and you consult a dental professional as soon as possible.

What to Do If a Tooth Falls Out

Take these steps if a tooth falls out, and remember that time is of the essence. The bottom line: If a tooth comes out, consider it a serious dental emergency, and get to the dentist as soon as possible!

When a tooth falls out, it indicates damage to the nerves, blood vessels, gums, and other structures that hold the tooth in place. The good news is that reimplantation may be an option. But waiting too long to see a dentist could result in infection, and it could make reimplantation impossible. Here’s the best way to stave off infection and increase the chances of reimplantation:

  • Never touch the root of the tooth—it’s very delicate and easily damaged. Handle the tooth by the crown.
  • Rinse the tooth with milk. If there’s no milk, you can use water. Never use soap.
  • If possible, place the tooth back in its socket, but if there's any discomfort, don’t force it.

Just keep the tooth moist. Putting it in milk is the best option, but you can also keep it kept in your mouth or in a cup of saliva. If there are no other options, put the tooth in a glass of water.

How Long Do I Have to Save a Tooth?

The window for reimplantation is about an hour; however, dentists are more concerned with repairing the damage to the mouth rather than reimplanting the tooth. That’s why it’s important to see the dentist as soon as possible.

Kozica Dental provides general dentistry services in Worcester. If your tooth falls out or if it’s time for your next checkup, contact us online or give us a call at (508) 755-0751 today.

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