Brushing your teeth daily and visiting the dentist for regular teeth and gum checks are vital dental care requirements. You might assume that these two practices are adequate care for your teeth, but flossing is also necessary to prevent plaque by removing food stuck between your teeth. Below is a guide on how to floss and the benefits of doing so.
Why Is Flossing Important?
Research shows that individuals who floss their teeth regularly are less likely to suffer from gingivitis and bleeding gums. Failure to practice proper dental care can lead to periodontal disease, which spreads to the entire body and affects the functionality of vital body organs like the heart. Gum disease affects the bones that support your teeth and those on the lower third of your face. Flossing your teeth before brushing will help you get rid of particles between your teeth, resulting in better oral health and helping you save on the expenses from treating dental illnesses.
How Should I Floss?
Flossing should be done once per day to get the best results. Start with about 18-24 inches of floss wrapped around both of your middle fingers, leaving only about two inches for your teeth. Slide the floss between your teeth, arcing it at the base of your tooth, then sliding it up and down the surface of the tooth to scrape off plaque. After doing this to all spaces between your teeth, rinse your mouth with mouthwash, and then brush your teeth. If you have braces, start by threading the floss between your teeth and the main wire. Wrap the floss around your index fingers, and floss by moving the thread up and down the tooth surface. Finally, remove the floss with care to avoid dislodging the braces and repeat the process for all teeth.
Brushing your teeth daily, flossing, rinsing with mouthwash, and regular visits to the dentist can help you keep your teeth and gums healthy and prevent dental health problems. At Kozica Dental, we offer a wide range of dental services like routine examinations and cleanings in addition to teeth whitening. Our digital x-ray system allows us to take images without exposing the client’s mouth to excess radiation. Contact us today to book an appointment.